Each specific color along with its shades differently influence the psychological state and physiology of a man. Knowing and considering this information, one can form a specific image of the company to call the appropriate associations and emotions. Professional marketers, including Logo Design Contest team, believe that the choice of a particular product largely depends on its color, especially considering impulse purchases.
To convey refreshing coolness and transparency of lemonade or beer, you can use cool pearly shades; brown is associated with hot coffee, black tea, and chocolate. Delicate shades predominate in advertising of children’s products; shocking bright colors (pink, purple, orange, and red) convey the mood of the contemporary pop music.
Thus, the psychology of color is crucial for your brand since the chosen color palette will appear on the all your promotional materials, which includes your logo and product packaging.
Manufacturers are well aware that the success/failure of the goods is directly dependent on such factors as the choice of colors and forms for the product concept, layout, and competent advertising campaign. Color and shape are the tools of self-determination and differentiation of the brand. Many companies tend to cause the desired associations using a specific color palette. For example, Coca-Cola’s color is red; kodaks is yellow.
As a result, the customer can determine a producer of the goods even if the package doesn’t include the name and the corporate identity of the brand. According to research, consumers by 78% better remember information printed in color. In the beverage and food industry, the effect of color is the greatest.
How Color Affects Your Mind
Red has a stimulating effect: it quickens heartbeat, increases blood pressure and appetite. Red is widely used to attract attention, especially in the interior of restaurants and cafes. Due to its excitatory effect, red is typical for bars and nightclubs.
Orange is much softer, but it also has a stimulating effect. It’s best to attract children’s and adolescents’ attention. Orange is widely used in fast-food industry, for example, by Dunkin Donuts and Burger King.
Pink is gentle and attractive. It is quite popular in the design of products for women and girls, candy packages, etc.
Yellow is a soothing color. Of course, yellow is a symbol of the sun. It’s warm and optimistic, actively used by engineering companies and brand of food products. As a rule, yellow is never used in hi-tech industries, airlines, and financial institutions; however, it’s admissible when combining with black and white.
Green is a color of refreshment and harmony, fruits and vegetables. It’s strongly associated with a healthy lifestyle. Green is soft and subtle, but if used in the wrong environment, it can cause the opposite effect. Green is the most popular color for animal TV channels.
Blue is associated with the sea and clean air; it’s considered as a symbol of confidence and serenity. Blue is one pf the most popular color used in advertising; it’s the best color for men products associated with trust and reliability.
White is the symbol of innocence, purity, and tranquility. It is the main color of the spectrum since it gives rise to all other colors. In restaurants and cafes, white color is used in places where the visitor expects to see a perfect cleanliness. White is common for clothing and health companies.
Black symbolizes the first-class quality and balance. It’s the darkest color of the spectrum, so it is often considered as a special one, a sign of something of utmost value. Black goods are never cheap, but they are very reliable and high-quality, giving a buyer some special opportunities.
The Importance of a Target Audience When Choosing a Color Gamut
What is the main goal of your brand and a particular advertising campaign? Who are your target customers – children, adults, teens, men, women, certain ethnic groups, office workers, families, housewives, pregnant women or the elderly? For whom your product is of particular value?
Typically, potential buyers are people from a certain group, so by determining it, you will have good reason in the favor of one or another color solution.
– To attract children and teenagers, use bright and rich colors; for women and pregnant women – delicate shades of pink and pastel colors; for men – blue tones, black, and purple; for office workers – burgundy, dark brown, black, and gray.
Be careful when choosing a color palette and predefine the messages you want to convey and the emotions to call at a subconscious level.
For many years, color and advertising have gone hand in hand with business. The message sent by color can carry both positive and negative sense, as well as create good or bad impressions. It all depends on the color psychology.
Marketers often neglect color psychology, believing it is not an essential ingredient in the marketing strategy. The main mistake of beginner advertisers, designers and marketers is the wrong color combination. Color creates the first impression and affects the desire to buy.
Author Bio: Working at DesignContest as a designer and a blogger, Brian Jens use his strong marketing background to do in-depth market research. His materials are always of a high value and have practical applications. Brian often conducts research on topics proposed by his readers, so feel free to suggest interesting themes if you have any.