25 Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

Tutorials are the best way to teach something. Tutorials are step by step presentation of a thing that made it easy to learn and understand. Photoshop is a tool which is widely used in designing things related to web and graphics.

A wide area in which Photoshop is used is by are web and graphics designers to draw multiple of things. Here in our post we have targeted icons. We have made a list of tutorials which will help you to draw icons using Photoshop tutorials.

Icons play a wide role then whether it’s online, Smartphone, designing or many others. Icons are the best way to describe a thing, playing a wide role in designing a website. These icons can be easily drawn using Photoshop but using Photoshop is not easy.

Photoshop is a tool which can be learn from practice. Learning Photoshop through tutorials is an easy way to learn Photoshop.

These Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials will help you in learning Photoshop and drawing icons. You can easily draw icons with the help of these tutorials.

Here in our post we have made a list of 25 Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials. All these tutorials are latest. Go through these tutorials and learn how to create beautiful and difficult Icon Design with Photoshop Tutorial in an easy and healthy manner.

25 Free Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

1. Create a Tasty Cupcake Icon in Photoshop

In this tutorial you can learn how to make a tasty cup cake icon using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

2. Create a Cute Shop Icon in Photoshop

Create a cute shop icon using different shapes, sizes, colors by using adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

3. Create a Mobile App Icon in Photoshop

Create an icon design or app design for your Smartphone using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

4. Create A Notepad Icon

Icons which are simple draw can sometimes be more creative rather than drawing tough icons. Same is with a notepad icon which is simple to draw but can be drawn in any form with many variations.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

5. Learn How To Create An IOS Fabric Style Icon

Create your own 3D style fabric icon using Photoshop with the help of this tutorial.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

6. Create a Headset Icon in Photoshop

Learn how to make a headset icon using Photoshop. You can use CS4 to make this in Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

7. Create a Leatherback Book Icon in Photoshop

This Photoshop Tutorial will teach you how to create leatherback book design icon in simple steps.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

8. Design a Cool Radio Icon in Photoshop

Use vector editing capabilities to draw a Radio icon using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

9. How To Create A Notes App Icon In Photoshop

Learn how to create a beautiful note app icon using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

10. Draw a Retro Gameboy From Scratch in Photoshop

Creating similar objects as they look like in real life is really amazing using Photoshop. Learn how to make retro Gameboy device similar to in real life.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

11. How to Design a Detailed Circuit Chip Icon in Photoshop

Drawing realistic icons is the best part of the Photoshop, here in this tutorial learn how to draw a realistic circuit chip icon.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

12. Learn To Create A Jewelry Style IOS Icon

Here in this tutorial learn how to create a jewelry style iOS icon.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

13. Create A Simple Music Player Icon

Using Adobe Photoshop learn to draw music player icon. It is simple yet interesting.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

14. Create An Android Settings Icon

Android Setting Icons use simple shapes and layers and draw icons of any type using Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

15. Learn How to Quickly Create Tasty Social Icons using Photoshop

Social Media icons are needed in this era. Learn to create social media icon using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials


Create a sleek calendar icon using Adobe Photoshop tool shapes, layer tools, snipping, layer styles and much more.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

17. Create A Hammer Icon

3D is in everything now, same is Photoshop. Creating 3D icon is in trend now learn how to create 3D hammer icon.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

18. Draw a Vintage Radio Icon in Photoshop

Create a vintage radio icon using a Adobe Photoshop CS5, here is a full tutorial to help you.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

19. Design a Record App Icon in Photoshop

Record app icon, learn how to draw this simple yet beautiful record app icon by using adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

20. Create A Stylish Mouse Icon

Creating icons in Photoshop is much interesting and creating computer related icons are really interesting and easy to create.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

21. Create a 1990’s Era Mobile Phone Icon in Photoshop

Lets create a photo using a photograph in reference, a mobile a 1990 era.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

22. How to Create a Sexy Small Download Icon

Creative tutorial, learn to create a small download icon or any other icon like uploading, loading, installing icon using Photoshop.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

23. Design a Capsule in Photoshop

If you are beginner in using Photoshop here is the best tutorial to start for, Capsule easy and beautiful.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

24. Create A Steering Wheel Icon

Icons are used for representing things and drawing them and representing them using Photoshop is creative and interesting.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials


Learn how to create a calendar icon using Photoshop CS6 beta.
Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials

Feel free to share your own views and ideas about these 25 Photoshop Icon Design Tutorials.

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