Displaying Countdown on your website can be useful in many ways like, for coming soon sites, offer expiring soon, and creating scarcity countdown. Today we are listing some beautiful and powerful Countdown scripts which are built with PHP, jQuery.
Countdown timer can be used for various events and web developers create such amazing and beautiful countdown script which can be used on any website. The countdown script we have listed is such example of useful Countdown Script for Web Developers.
You can use these Countdown Scripts on coming soon website or coming soon product. Marketers use these scripts for scarcity and make sale quickly. Countdown Script can be used for New Year countdown, birthday countdown, and for much more event.
Many web developers and website owners search for Countdown Script, and focusing this we are listing some beautiful Countdown Scripts. Have a look at these 6 Useful Countdown Script for Web Developers.
6 Useful Countdown Script
1. Simple Round Countdown Timer Plugin For jQuery
jQuery countdown timer plugin that creates a CSS3 based circular ticking timer with custom duration and time units.
2. Extended Coming Soon Countdown
A simple, but complete and responsive, countdown system with progress bar based on admin input or elapsed time. Also you can contact your subscribed users and, if your server supports the function, automaticly contact them when the site is ready.
3. jQuery Countdown Timer & Digital Clock Plugin
timeTo is an easy-to-use and high customizable jQuery plugin for creating Countdown Timers or Digital Clocks with a lot of options and Callback support.
4. Under construction count-down
This script is build with AJAX and JQuery codes that makes the program lot more user friendly. You do not need a database to run this program on your server successfully! This program is also compatible for Javascript enable and disable web browsers.
5. Easy Countdown
A countdown system for you to put up on your site to notify people and keep them posted before your site actually launch. A contact form for guest to send inquiry email and a Google Map to display your company location. Allow guest to leave email for updates.
6. Slick Circular jQuery Countdown Plugin
Classy Countdown is a jQuery plugin that makes use of Html5 canvas to render a slick, circular, themeable countdown timer on your web page.
Hope you liked these Countdown Scripts; please share which script you liked the most by commenting below.