The overall usability of your website plays an important role in attracting and retaining visitors for your website. Your website visitors’ look forward to an enhanced user experience, and that’s the reason you should make every effort in making this a reality for them. One easy way of achieving this is to use jQuery Range Slider for your website or web applications.
Hereunder, I have come up with an excellent collection of Eight Useful jQuery Range Slider. Using these jQuery Slider Plugins, you can easily enhance the usability and functionality of your website. Most of the jQuery Range Slider that have been shown below come for free while the rest of them are paid.
On numerous occasions, you need to take input values from your users in your web form or application. Here-in the jQuery Range Sliders play an essential and vital role as they enable the users to input time, date and numeric ranges. The sliders can be moved to select the appropriate value. The sliders define minimum and maximum values and come with lots of useful parameters, as well.
So, if you want to have a desired color shade, you just need to move the slider to the appropriate position. The jQuery UI Sliders are of various types including Horizontal, Vertical and Multiple Sliders. They are easy to use, easy to set-up and easy to customize. Moreover, they are extremely lightweight and support multiple browsers and devices. You also get to have well commented source code.
So, have graphic controls, volume selector, date, time and numeric picker on your website and application using these jQuery Range Sliders. I am hopeful that the presentation of Eight Useful jQuery Range Slider turns out to be highly useful for you.
Eight Useful jQuery Range Slider
1. jQuery – Slider
jQuery – Slider is perhaps one of the best examples of slider widget. It is perfect for building highly interactive web applications. You can even use it to add a date picker to a form control. With jQuery – Slider, you get a highly successful UI library for the Web. It provides a range of sliders that you can use with your web applications. Its default slider is horizontal. Then it also provides Range Slider, Multiple Sliders, Vertical Slider, Colorpicker, and much more.
2. noUiSlider
noUiSlider plugin is another excellent example of freely downloadable jQuery Range Slider. This javascript range slider is thoroughly lightweight and even works with responsive designs. From the maintenance point of view, it is pretty easy to handle and comes with a reduced number of lines of code. noUiSlider slider can be used on a number of devices such as Windows 8 Desktops, iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Window Phone 8, etc. Moreover, it supports various browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Opera, Google Chrome, and IE 7 to 11.
3. jQuery UI Slider Pips
The jQuery UI Slider Pips comes as an extension for the jQuery UI Slider Widget. It is easy to configure, and the plugin allows you to add “labels” and “pips” to the slider. It works perfectly well for both vertical and horizontal sliders. It can be used with all the modern browsers including IE7+.
4. JQRangeSlider
The JQRangeSlider is another highly powerful slider in-built with the ability to select value ranges. It supports date, time as well as numerical values. Using the slider you can easily include a timeframe in your slider. The JQRangeSlider can be used for both iOS and Android devices. You can select a range simply by swiping or touching on your phone or tablet. The slider even supports steps for date as well numerical values. You can select month by month and can even select values 5 by 5. It can be customized and restyled according to your requirements. JQRangeSlider can be used with both open source as well as commercial software.
5. jQuery UI Slider
The jQuery UI Slider is another beautifully designed slider set. It is easy to use and simple to set up. You simply require adding a holder div for the slider. You need to specify the div with the class ‘.slider’ and then call the slider( ) method.
6. edValueSlider
The edValueSlider comes as a highly powerful and useful jQuery value slider widget. It provides horizontal orientation with minimum and maximum values. It comes with custom formatter and includes varied themes, a total of six themes in all. You can include a step incrementor, as well. It can be resized on the fly and is also touch enabled.
7. jQuery Time Picker
The jQuery Time Picker is an easy to use, highly customizable and thoroughly lightweight jQuery slider that lets you use a time frame within your forms. It is easy to deploy and extensively intuitive, as well. It has a well commented source code. You can even have a background of your choice. The plugin supports multiple browsers such as IE6.0, Google Chrome, and Firefox. It supports 12/24 h time format and shows the hour and minute separator, by default. Besides these, it has many other plugin parameters, as well.
8. jTumbler
Using the jTumbler plugin you can create stylish and beautifully looking Radio Buttons. So if you are feeling bored with your old radio buttons, it’s time to redesign and give an altogether new look to your radio buttons. It is thoroughly lightweight, easy to use and also easy to set-up. The plugin can be easily integrated with almost all the CMS’s. The jTumbler plugin supports all the major browsers. It comes with almost 15 color themes.