10 Best PHP Social Network Script

Today, we share with you 10 Best PHP Social Network Script that helps you to build an exclusive social networking platform.

So, PHP Social Network Script is all about building powerful and effective social networking sites.

Well, there are quite a lot of “so-called” effective solutions for building social networking sites. However, these tools lag the punch and the power necessary for building effective and successful social networking sites.

Herein, comes the utility of Social Network PHP Script that stands out from the bunch of inefficient tools and helps you to come up with an exclusive social networking platform.

Moreover, there are numerous reasons for you to make use of these PHP Social Network Script or Facebook Clone PHP Software.

Here, we share with you some of their highlighting attributes:

  • These Facebook Clone Software allow users to create their profiles
  • These PHP Scripts allow users to create their social media account
  • These social media PHP Script allow users to do activities such as post & share articles, photos, or videos on their timeline
  • Plus, users can create unlimited fan pages, groups, & events, create or like pages, upload images, make photo albums, and more
  • These Social Network PHP Script allow you to have advanced features such as live chat, video chat, news feed, & notifications, and more

So, if you want to create a social networking website like Facebook, then you should use these Facebook Clone Software or Social Network Scripts.

This post features as much as 10 Best Facebook Clone PHP Scripts.

The best part with these social network scripts is the fact that they allow you to create your social networking sites without having any sort of knowledge about coding.

These PHP Scripts come with a perfect design and user-friendly interface. They allow Admins to make money with Ads System. Admin can sell Ads space to their users and collect money with integrated payment gateways such as PayPal or Stripe.

So, if you are searching for the best PHP Scripts for starting your social networking site, then you are perfectly at the right space.

We have listed both free ones as well as commercial ones below.

Now, without taking much of your time, we discuss each of these Social Network PHP Script or Facebook Clone PHP Script in detail. Let’s have a look at each one of them.

We are sure that you would surely find a perfect PHP Social Network Script for your upcoming project.

So, here’s the list for you:

10 Top PHP Social Network Script


1. phpSocial – Social Network Platform

phpSocial Social Network Platform is perfect when you want to kick start you’re your social networking website at an affordable rate. phpSocial regular license is available at $49.00 only with regular updates and six months support. Plus, you can get extended support to 12 months by paying just $16.50 only.

phpSocial has many premium features and is one of the best PHP Social Network Script that is featured in this compilation for you. Its Admin Panel is studded with features that allow you to build up a cutting-edge social networking website.

Some of its major highlights include:

  • Friendship and subscribe system
  • Private messaging
  • Instant messaging
  • Blogs
  • Groups and Forums
  • Various membership levels with different access rules
  • Developed regularly
  • Top-notch support
  • Users can interact with each other through live chatting
  • Users can comment, like, share photos, life events, and more
  • Video calling feature has been added recently in its latest version
  • Users can share video, audio, and image URLs
  • Fully responsive design and retina ready
  • Extensively customizable with loads of themes, and plugins
  • It is suitable for high capacity websites
  • Admin Panel gives complete control over your website

So, phpSocial is best for commercial purposes. It is even suitable for non-commercial purposes.

phpSocial PHP Social Network Script

2. WoWonder

WoWonder is another very popular PHP social networking script that allows you to create your social network.

It’s a Facebook Clone PHP Script for creating fast and high-quality social networking website.

It’s the best way to start your own social networking website.

WoWonder is fast and secured. It is regularly updated.

WoWonder allows your users to perform different activities such as creating profiles & timelines. It allows users to share videos from other websites such as Vimeo, YouTube, etc. They can play flash games, find nearby friends, do a live chat, and get news feed, notifications, and lots more. Users can even watch online movies hosted by Amazon S3.

Some of its key features include:

  • This PHP Script provides support for CPC & CPM. So, the script provides the opportunity to monetize from your social networking site. Users can create and post their advertisements in the posts as well as in the sidebars of your website
  • The script has been integrated with Amazon S3 CDN. So, you can store unlimited files, images, music, and videos which can be uploaded to your social website
  • Watch videos hosted on Amazon S3. Moreover, users can watch & import videos from various video-sharing websites such as Vine, SoundCloud Music, and more
  • The script comes studded with high-level cache system allowing you to handle more than 1 million users of your website
  • The PHP Script allows the admin as well as the users to create and post various articles, threads, posts, and forums on the website
  • Admin can add/edit the Google Analytics Code. They can ban a suspicious IP address from the back end
  • The script has the mailing list system with which the admin can send messages to all registered users.

Pricing Plan: The Facebook Clone PHP Script is available at $72 with all the major features and supports up to six months. You can extend the support up to twelve months by paying just $25.13. The extended license is available at $272 only.

WoWonder PHP Social Network Script

3. Breeze – Giant Social Network Platform

Breeze can rightly be called a “giant” social networking platform. With Breeze, you can build social community websites such as Facebook in just a few minutes. Breeze offers a splendid responsive design for your social networking website so that you can give exact Facebook-like look to your website.

Breeze allows you to offer instant and advanced search options to your users for pages, groups, photos, videos, etc. Users are allowed to create accounts on your site. They can create various posts, pages, articles, and more.

Like Facebook, your users can find the news feed of followed people/groups/pages, trending users, and movies shared. Plus, users can like, comment, and share each other posts with a few clicks.

Here, we put forward some “key” features of Breeze:

  • Breeze allows you to create pages with unlimited categories so that you can promote your brand or community easily.
  • Breeze offers support for in-built blog system thereby allowing users to create articles. They can even publish them on the website. Further up, users can have likes, views, and comments for their blogs.
  • Using this PHP script, users can embed videos directly from YouTube, DailyMotion, and Vimeo.
  • The Breeze PHP script supports 7th Generation advanced search engines. It allows users to search for other profiles using dynamic search filters.
  • The Admin can see the reported content in the form of messages and comments posted on their website and take appropriate actions against it.
  • Breeze offers a variety of extensions and themes with which you can enhance the overall appearance and functionality of your website.

Breeze PHP Social Network Script

4. Social Network – PHP Social Networking System

Social Network is another widely used PHP Social Networking System. You can apply this script on your website and come up with a social networking platform.

The script allows your visitors to register on your site easily. Moreover, they can create their social media accounts in just a few minutes. This PHP Script allows users to post images, videos, Emoji, and do tagging using the front end of your website.

The script enables users to have live chats with their friends and colleagues easily. Moreover, users can go for multiple chats at a time and can read the messages easily and quickly.

The script offers an advanced login system with encrypted passwords. It comes with brute force protection, CSRF protection, and more to keep the users safe and secure.

Plus, users can buy Advert space on your website using credits which can be paid using facilities such as PayPal, Stripe, and 2Chckout. Users can create and customize their profile. Profiles have all Feed Posts that a user makes with detailed information.

The script has features that allow you to create public/private pages. You can invite members and create events for users. Moreover, pages can be personalized just like profiles.

The script offers Ajax Live Chat. Users can have multiple conversations at the same time. They can even read messages in their inbox. Users can create their blogs and have unlimited posts which can be shared on their feed. The script also provides an advanced Admin Panel which can manage members, send out emails, IP Blocking, User Roles and much more.

Some Key Features at a glance:

  • The PHP Script supports Ajax. So, you get decreased load time and a faster response
  • Password encrypted login system
  • The script prevents your website from SQL Injection and CSRF attacks
  • You can sell ad space to your users
  • It supports payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and more

Pricing: Regular License comes at $39.00 which includes future updates and six months of support. Extended support to 12 months can be had for $12.75 only.

PHP Social Network Script

5. iSocial – Social Network Platform

iSocial is one of the best Facebook Clone PHP Script. With iSocial, you can create a social networking website easily. iSocial is studded with all the features that you want in a PHP Social Network Script.

For example, the script allows you to post photos, videos, engage in live chat, comment, share, messaging, like posts, and lots more.

The iSocial PHP Script comes with various modules and allows you to include a marketplace, article library, and games. Users are allowed to manage the privacy of their profiles. They can decide which of their posts are visible to their friends or public.

Some of its top features have been listed below:

  • iSocial comes with features such as Pages, Groups, Messages, Live Chat, Comments, Likes, Shares, Real-Time Notifications, Games, Marketplace, Library, etc.
  • Users can comment in posts.
  • Users can set private profiles (only for friends), or public profiles.
  • iSocial is very easy to install
  • It’s a modern, simple, attractive social networking PHP script.
  • You can have a marketplace section on the website. So, sellers and potential buyers can find each other. Purchase of products and services can occur.
  • The Admin can authenticate new users. They can ask users to login via their Facebook or Twitter account, or even by the use of Email ID.
  • Users can create unlimited fan pages, groups, and events with just a few clicks
  • Users can comment or like on each other posts. They go on to receive instant notifications when someone comments or like their posts.
  • The script offers a powerful Admin panel with which you can control your website.

Pricing: Regular License comes at $51 with future updates and six months of support. Extended support to 12 months comes at $12.75.

iSocial PHP Social Network Script

6. Kontackt

Kontackt is another excellent and high-quality social networking platform. The Kontackt script offers an awesome set of features. Here, we share with you the prime highlights of Kontackt Facebook Clone PHP Script:

  • Kontackt has modern and powerful stories system. It allows users to draw out images, add stickers, upload videos, images or write text. Plus, stories are available 24 hours.
  • AWS S3 Cloud Storage: When this module is enabled, all the files are uploaded to Amazon S3. Moreover, the module can be enabled or disabled from the Admin Panel. When the module is disabled, then all the media files are uploaded on the local server.
  • Live Map feature: Users are able to share on the live map what they are doing on a given location. Friends are notified of this activity.
  • SMS Gateway: Users can add their mobile phone number. It will help to retrieve their passwords. It is also used to activate their accounts through SMS-Code.
  • Books Wall Feature: Each user can add the favorite books on to their wall. The wall is visible to all the users.
  • Music Player: Users get a powerful and unique music player. It allows users to listen to the tracks while navigating to the site. They can even create their favorite playlists, and view their friend’s music collection
  • Web Socket Feature: Users get a real-time and professional social network. They receive notifications and message alerts instantly.
  • Users get Unique Themes System: The users can create a slideshow. They can add gifs and can select the original theme.
  • Movies database: Users can add movies. They can watch a friend’s favorite movies. Plus, they can share what they watch now.
  • Messenger: Users get a high-quality messaging system.

Pricing: Regular license comes at $69.00 with future updates and six months of support. Extended support to 12 months can be had for $24.00 only.

Kontackt PHP Social Network Script

7. mooSocial Social Network Script

mooSocial is hugely popular PHP social network software. The script offers some of the best functionalities allowing you to start a powerful social networking website like Facebook.

Moosocial was launched way back in 2012 and has seen many active developments ever since.

With every new release, mooSocial has added many useful features. So, mooSocial has now become a feature-rich PHP Social Network Solution. It’s at par and even better (in some ways) than phpFox and Social Engine.

If we consider pricing then too mooSocial is better than many other options listed in the compilation. It is more affordable than most of other Facebook Clone Software listed out here in this post.

Moreover, mooSocial is fully unencrypted and Open Source PHP Script. Plus, it can be easily installed on a supported web hosting server. As of now, a hosted solution is available. So, it’s a good option for all those who do not want to manage server and software.

Let’s take a look at some of its top features:

  • It offers a hassle-free installation wizard. You need to create a database, upload files to the server, and run the installation wizard. The easy step by step installation wizard makes the installation very easy.
  • Once you install your site, it becomes ready to use within just one hour of customization.
  • The PHP Script is very affordable
  • It’s being developed actively
  • It has a powerful front-end interface
  • It offers a feature-rich admin panel. The drag-and-drop page builder is part of the admin panel.
  • The script is fully open source. So, you can edit every single line of code
  • You can create different membership types and offer them access to particular features
  • The script offers private messaging
  • It has an instant chat system
  • Polls, groups, forums, job boards, events – many of which are available as paid add-ons
  • iOS and Android Apps are available. However, you have to pay for them separately.

mooSocial PHP Social Network Script

8. SocialEngine

SocialEngine is as powerful as other PHP social networking scripts that have been featured in this post. Apart from offering all of the basic merits and functions that you desire in a Facebook Clone Script, SocialEngine comes as a hosted solution. So, SocialEngine is a good option when you don’t want to set up hosting and managing software. SocialEngine handles all hosting and managing requirements for you.

In fact, Social Engine is a self-hosted PHP Social Network Script. It’s also a cloud-hosted managed service. So, you need not worry about server related issues like software maintenance, managing server resources, site backup, and more. Social Engines comes with excellent support which manages it all for you.

However, with SocialEngine Cloud, you do not get some essential features such as membership levels, instant chat, page builder, etc. To get these features, you need to use SocialEngine PHP Edition.

Well, SocialEngine PHP Edition comes as a self-hosted PHP solution which has to be installed on your server. You need to make payment once, and it comes at your disposal.

Here, we share with you some of the main highlights and advantages of using SocialEngine:

  • SocialEngine offers extensive functionality which allows you to set up any kind of social network website.
  • SocialEngine comes with cutting edge development and support
  • It’s a fast, reliable, and secure PHP Script
  • It auto-generates link preview (as a thumbnail)
  • iOS and Android apps are available as add-ons
  • Social Engine offers easy installation
  • SocialEngine offers drag-and-drop page builder
  • You can create membership levels
  • Like & commenting system
  • Private messaging system
  • Ajax notifications

SocialEngine PHP Social Network Script

9. Elgg Open Source Social Networking Script

Elgg is a free and open source PHP social network script that allows you to set up a social networking website. The Elgg script is best when you want to create a non-profit social networking website or even when you want to create a social network website just for fun.

However, Elgg is also good at creating an advanced social engine. The Elgg core allows you to come up with a powerful social networking website.

We must tell you that Elgg is an award-winning open source social network PHP script. Its robust framework allows you to build all kinds of all kinds of social environments. For example, you can build a campus-wide social networking site for your university, college, or school. You can even have an internal collaborative platform for your organization.

Elgg is easy to install on your server. Development and support are top-notch with Elgg. It offers well-documented core API which makes it easy for developers to give a kick start to their new projects.

So, the learning curve with Elgg is simple. Most of the application’s functionality and behavior can be extended and modified with the use of plugins. Top notch security is ensured through built-in anti-CSRF validation, strict XSS filters, and HMAC signatures and with latest cryptographic approaches to password hashing.

Elgg PHP Social Network Script

10. phpFox

phpFox is one of the best available social networking PHP scripts out there. The most promising feature of this PHP Software is the fact that it resembles Facebook most. However, we must tell you that it’s not about Facebook-like appearance. Rather it’s all about Facebook advanced features such as detailed user privacy, Ajax notifications, and more.

phpFox offers all these features.

Moreover, phpFox can be wielded for any social networking platform. phpFox has many ready-made themes such as Facebook Theme. In fact, with its Facebook Theme, you would hardly find any difference between Facebook and your phpFox website. Plus, if you want to have some specific website styling, it’s also possible with phpFox.

phpFox comes with its own add-on marketplace. So, you can enhance your website’s functionality by using its free and paid add-ons.

Here, we share with you some key features of phpFox:

  • It offers one of the best functionality in PHP social networking scripts.
  • The script is a high-performance PHP Software
  • It’s very easy to install
  • It’s closest to Facebook
  • You get many ready-made templates
  • Active development and support
  • Add-on Marketplace
  • Easy styling options so that you can have a unique look and feel for your website
  • People can upload profile cover and photo
  • You get a fully featured sharing system
  • Like and comment system
  • Private messaging system
  • Instant chat messaging system
  • Allows users to create blogs, classified ads, forums, and more

phpFox PHP Social Network Script

This is all we have for you in this compilation on 10 Best PHP Social Network Script. We believe that you would have found the best Facebook Clone PHP Script for your social networking site.

Now, you can build up your own social media website by using these scripts on your website. We have showcased the best ones out there. So, you can choose any one of them according to your needs.

You can leave your feedback with us by commenting below. Please do remember to share the post on popular social networking platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

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