RocketTheme has come up with yet another fantastic and versatile forum update for the phpBB3 platform in this March 2012. This latest release from RocketTheme is titled as Ionosphere. Ionosphere phpBB3 style is a thoroughly dynamic style release for the most widely used forum solution – phpBB3. Ionosphere virtually gives you complete freedom and control for designing a theme most suitable for your e-bulletin board requirements.
RocketTheme has retained its trade-mark features for the phpBB3 platform in Ionosphere style as well and has added a host of fantastically new features. Ionosphere has been provided with a set of highly customizable key features. Ionosphere has a most thorough and complete Color Chooser system to its credit. The Ionosphere phpBB3 style template can perfectly create your desired color tone in combination with whole range of background color selection parameters.
Ionosphere phpBB3 style is powered with RocketTheme flagship administrative module – “RokBB3”. With RokBB3 you can have full control over the features, functionalities, layout, and look and feel of your forum website theme. You can set and give color variations, menu options, ont settings and many more. You can completely customize and configure the Ionosphere phpBB3 style forum themes through RokBB3 with just few clicks.
Ionosphere phpBB3 style gives you the choice of selecting your template from the set of 12 preset styles. You can also configure module positions according to your own forum design and layout requirements. Ionosphere is fully compatible and runs on IE7+, Safari 4, Opera and FF. It is integrated with “RokNavMenu” menu module which provides a feature rich platform for providing you customized menu items. You can create customized “Fusion Menu” design. The RokNavMenu can help you design a whole range of navigation menus right from a simple menu list to an advanced drop down system. You can also look forward to other features in Ionosphere such as RokTabs styling, RokNewsPager styling, RokNewsFlash styling and lots of other features as well.
So you can give your Forum website a fresh “look and feel” with Ionosphere phpBB3 styles. With its 12 preset styling, comprehensive Color Chooser system and other designing and controlling tools, Ionosphere gives you an excellent set of phpBB3 club styles to select as your forum website theme.
Ionosphere phpBB3 Style Features
- Color Chooser
- Color Based Imageset
- 12 Preset Styles
- Refreshed RokBB3 Administration Interface
- Extensive configuration options
- Fluid Width Support
- RokTabs Styling
- RokNewsPager Styling
- RokNewsFlash Styling
- phpBB3 3.0.10 Compatible
- 11 Styled and 26 Layout Module Suffixes
- Fusion Menu (with RokNavMenu Exporter)
- Loading Transitions
- Configurable Module Positions
- Customizable layout options
- FF, Opera, Safari 4, IE7+ Compatible
- W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
Download Ionosphere phpBB3 Style