WordPress is amazing software in itself and adding some plug-in increase its power. Adding jQuery in WordPress will make it more amazing, there are many free jQuery powered WordPress plugin available.
I searched for some jQuery powered WordPress plugin and found some useful plug-in. You may not found them so fancy but some of the small utilities are very helpful. jQuery gives interactivity without using heavy Flash player files. You can use these jQuery plugins for many different uses like jQuery menus, comment plugin, page peel etc. Here are 10 jQuery powered WordPress plugin which can be useful for your blog.
10 jQuery Powered WordPress Plugins
Simple Nivo Slider
The Simple Nivo Slider plugin provides easy access to Gilbert Pellegrom’s excellent jQuery-based Nivo Slider. The admin panel makes it easy to tweak the most commonly used Nivo Slider options from within WordPress.
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jQuery T Minus CountDown Widget
jQuery T(-) CountDown will dispaly a highly customizable, sweet-n-sexy flash-free countdown timer in the sidebar or in your post using a shortcode.
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jQuery Lightbox
Used to add the lightbox effect to images on your WordPress blog.
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JQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget
Creates a widget, which allows you to add vertical mega menus to your side columns using any WordPress custom menu.
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jQuery Categories List Widget
A simple jQuery widget (can be called from posts) for displaying categories in a list with some effects.
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JQuery Mega Menu Widget
Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery.
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jQuery Collapse-O-Matic
Collapse-O-Matic adds an `[expand]` shortcode that wraps any object or content–including other shortcodes–into a lovely jQuery collapsible div.
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jQuery Page Peel
Adds a page peel affect to the top right corner of the page using only jQuery no buggy hard to customize flash!
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JQuery Drill Down Ipod Menu Widget
Creates a widget, which allows you to create a drill down ipod style menu from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery.
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