Are you going to launch your new WordPress based blog or website, but don’t want to show your under construction website then WordPress Coming Soon Plugins can help you to create coming soon page.WordPress based blog or website, but don’t want to show your under construction website then WordPress Coming Soon Plugins can help you to create coming soon page.WordPress Coming Soon Plugins can help you to create coming soon page.
WordPress is one of the best CMS software and setups very quickly, but it takes some time to finish building your website. Meanwhile, you don’t want to show your visitors half build website or don’t want to show what you are doing with your website.
If you don’t want to show, visitors you’re under construction website then WordPress Coming Soon Plugins is the best option for you. With WordPress Coming Soon Plugins you can create Coming Soon page that will be shown to your visitors, no other page will be shown to your visitors.
We have listed 5 Free WordPress Coming Soon Plugins which are easy to setup, and comes with great coming soon templates. Some of the plugin comes with the option to collect emails of you visitors so that you can inform them in the future when your website is ready.plugin comes with the option to collect emails of you visitors so that you can inform them in the future when your website is ready.
Some of the plugins can also create Under Construction & Maintenance Mode pages so you don’t need any other plugin if you need to create such pages.
So go on and have a look at these 5 Free WordPress Coming Soon Plugins and create beautiful coming soon page.5 Free WordPress Coming Soon Plugins and create beautiful coming soon page.
5 WordPress Coming Soon Plugins
1. Ultimate Coming Soon Page
Ultimate Coming Soon Page you can create a Coming Soon page or Launch page for your WordPress Website. This plug-in also works as under construction and collects emails from your visitors.
2. Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode
As name suggests this is a Coming Soon Page, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode plugin for WordPress. You can use this plugin for creating various pages for your WordPress blog.
3. Coming Soon / Maintenance mode Ready!
Another multipurpose WordPress plugin for creating coming soon and maintenance pages. This plugin comes with a variety of preset templates and custom style options.
4. Easy Coming Soon
With Easy coming Soon plugin, you to create a launch quickly / under-construction page for your WordPress website. This Plugin also helps you to collects e-mails so that you can send email when your website is launches.
5. Site Offline or Coming Soon
Site Offline or Coming Soon plugin helps to enable/disable site offline mode. If Site offline Mode is enabled regular visitors of your site will see a maintenance mode page. This plugin can also create coming soon page before your websites go live.
Hope you liked these 5 Free WordPress Coming Soon Plugins, and don’t forget to share which plugin you used and liked.