Comments are one of the best ways for site owners to engage with their readership. WordPress is one of those platforms which help you to incorporate comment system in your content based website or blog. It provides a built-in default mechanism for adding a comment section on your WordPress blog or website.
However, if you are not satisfied with the built-in mechanism for adding a comment section to your blog or site, you have the privilege of using WordPress Comment Plugins which make it easy for you to add a powerful and feature-rich comment section on your blog or website.
Today, we share with you 10 Best WordPress Comment Plugins.
In fact, Comments brings your website to life. It shows that people are reading your posts. Comments are their instant reaction when they go on to read your blog posts. It helps to bring people together around and create a sense of community.
You get to know what readers think when they read your blog posts. They can share their views, their unique perspective, and point out valuable suggestions to you. All in all, comments are a great way to improve your website’s engagement.
Comments demonstrate that your readers care about your site. It provides a reason for visitors to return. It’s a place where your readers want to hang out. Comments help to create more buzz around your content. Moreover, many people enjoy reading the comments section just as much as the content itself.
So, there’s a lot of value in implementing a comment system for your website. By using Comment Plugins for WordPress, you get an opportunity for turning your readers into active participants. Here, you get a comprehensive list which explores as much as 10 Best Commenting Plugins for WordPress.
We have considered various factors for picking up the best comment plugins for WordPress.
Our point of interest includes:
- The ease of setting up and using the WordPress Comment Plugins.
- The features the plugins had to offer.
- The simplicity of the configuration process.
- The overall user experience on the front-end
- The ease to moderate comments.
The WordPress Commenting Plugins listed in this post meet all the above criteria. That’s precisely the reason we have dubbed these plugins as the best WordPress Comment Plugins.
So, if you are one of those who wants to implement a commenting system for your website, then these WordPress Comment Plugins are the best way to do it.
So, let’s begin and explore the 10 Best WordPress Comment Plugins:
10 Best & Free WordPress Comment Plugins
1. Facebook Comments
Facebook Comments tops our list of Best WordPress Comment Plugins. The Facebook Comments Plugin employs the same commenting system that is found on your Facebook wall. So, by using Facebook Comments, you give your readers a commenting platform that they are aware and know how to leave comments. With Facebook Comments, you bring the same Facebook interface to your WordPress comments section. Users can comment on your site using their Facebook account. Moreover, as most users already have a Facebook account and invariably stay signed in all the time, it gives them the opportunity to comment on posts immediately.
They can tag their friends and can even like individual comments. As Facebook Comments uses a Facebook account, it forces people to comment using their real name and profile picture. However, readers cannot comment anonymously, which may force some of your readers to skip commenting.
Also, because of Facebook connection, visitors are more likely to share your content. Since the Facebook account is required for commenting; there is a significant reduction in spam. That said, Facebook Comments can be tricky to integrate involving the creation of a Facebook app, among some other tasks. Plus, the customization options are limited, so it is unlikely that Facebook Comments will blend with your blog’s design.
However, at the end of it, the Facebook Comments Plugin will certainly make your comments section to be high quality with thoughtful conversations.
2. Disqus Comment System
Disqus is one of the most popular and trusted commenting system used by millions of publishers for increasing reader engagement and monetizing content. It provides an opportunity to engage directly with your audience for retaining readers, building loyalty, and foster communities.
The Disqus WordPress Plugin can be easily added to your sites, replacing the default WordPress commenting system. It installs in minutes and lets you import your existing comments, so you don’t lose any. It endeavors to provide a commenting experience that is thoroughly loved by your readers.
Disqus offers best in class anti-spam filter powered by Akismet. It even has social login support for Google Accounts, Twitter, and Facebook. Moreover, Disqus doesn’t affect your site’s performance. It has analytics dashboard for gauging the overall engagement on your site.
Plus, Disqus is powered with a mobile responsive design for enhanced user experience. It is studded with excellent engagement features. Its commenting system supports voting, photo, and video upload, rich media embed, spoiler tags, and mentions.
Its moderation features include an anti-spam filter which has been powered by Akismet. It also provides pre-moderation controls for flagging comments based on links, user reputation. It provides Moderation Panel for searching, filtering, sorting, and managing your comments.
3. Jetpack Comment
Jetpack is one of the most comprehensive plugins offering a wide range of functionality for securing your WordPress site, increasing traffic, and engaging your readers.
It is much more than commenting plugin. Jetpack has been released by Automattic, the team behind the WordPress Platform. Jetpack offers more than 20 different modules including its very own commenting module – Jetpack Comments.
The Jetpack Comments is not a commenting system in its own right. It’s actually an upgrade of the native commenting system. It works to address various shortcomings of the native system while retaining all of its strong points.
It’s commenting system provides advanced comment options as compared to the ones which are available by default. For example, the commenting system comes studded with features such as spam elimination and facilitates commenting from social accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
Another good aspect of Jetpack is the User Interface which is incredibly good. It allows visitors to use different social platforms for commenting. Visitors only require leaving their name and email address (and optional website) for commenting which itself streamlines the commenting process. Visitors can also choose to receive email notifications of any follow-up comments.
Jetpack Comments is easy to install. You just have to sync it up to the account, and then go on to activate the Jetpack Comments module. All in all, Jetpack turns out to be a hefty lump of a plugin with so many features.
4. CommentLuv
CommentLuv is another very popular WordPress Comment Plugin. It takes an incentivized approach to commenting. When readers fill in the optional website field in the comment section, the CommentLuv Plugin automatically adds a titled link to their latest blog post.
CommentLuv proves a helpful tool in growing your email list by providing further incentives. For example, you can allow commenters choose which posts they want to link to, or you can also Dofollow their links.
As commenters get the opportunity of backlinks, they go the extra mile so that their comments can attract clicks. As CommentLuv provides the opportunity of backlinks, it can also attract comments of a ‘self-promotional’ nature. So, you have to be extra diligent while moderating your comments.
5. wpDiscuz
wpDiscuz provides AJAX real-time comment system which is powered by custom comment form and fields. wpDiscuz is the coolest way to supercharge your WordPress native comments. It is super fast and responsive, loaded with dozens of powerful features. It is regarded as one of the best alternatives to Disqus, Jetpack, and Facebook Comments.
WpDiscuz Features
• Clean, simple, and easy-to-use user interface
• Adds interactive comment box on Posts & Pages
• Responsive comments form
• Comment Thread Design
• Live updates of new comments
• Anonymous comments
• Fully integrated with Social Network Login Plugins
• Different comment date formats
• Users can edit their comments
• Long comment text breaking function
• Comment author notification options
• Fully integrated and compatible with WordPress
• Comment voting with positive and negative result
• Post sharing options: Facebook, Twitter and Google+
• Custom Comment Forms with custom fields
6. Facebook Comments WordPress
The Facebook comments plugin comes out as a great tool for showing your visitors Facebook comments on your website. It is also helpful in improving your website traffic from Facebook. Nowadays, most of the websites go on to use Facebook Comments box on their websites. It is user-friendly and easy to use. You just have to create Facebook App ID and use it on your website. Facebook Comments can be disabled on any page/post you need.
Facebook Comments Features:
• Easy to use
• It can import Facebook Comments box to your WordPress site
• Ability to type Facebook Comments box title, text color, font-size, and font-family
• Allows you to select Comments box Title position.
• You can choose where to display Facebook Comments Box
• Ability to set Facebook Comments box width
• Ability to set Facebook Comments box language
7. Yoast Comment Hacks
Yoast Comment Hacks Plugin makes comment management easy by using some of the simple hacks provided by the Yoast team. It adds some small hacks around core WordPress comments and makes them more bearable:
• Cleaner comment notification emails.
• You get the option to disallow comments below a certain length.
• You can redirect first-time commenters to a ‘Thank You’ page
• Provides an input field on the comment edit screen for changing the comment parent ID.
• Adds a comment routing option.
• You get a button in the WP toolbar for emailing all the commenters on a post.
• Links in the admin comments section for emailing individual commenters.
8. Decent Comments
Decent Comments Plugin lets you show comments along with their author’s avatars. It provides configurable widgets, shortcodes, and an API for displaying comments in sensible ways. This plugin shows excerpts of comments or even full comments. You can set the number of comments to show. You can even choose not to show the comment, as well.
You can choose how many comments are displayed. You can display comments for any post, including the current post, or a specific post. You can show the author’s avatar and determine its size. It offers shortcodes so that you place the comments anywhere you need them. It’s highly configurable.
9. Replyable
Replyable is free to download from Once you install and activate the plugin, you are given the options to choose two-way conversations or one-way notifications. With two-way conversations, you can reply to commenters. When you pick your choice, you are directed to the settings page where you can configure the plugin. Configuring the plugin is super easy.
When a visitor leaves a comment on a blog post, you get an email. You can reply right from your inbox. Your email replies are published as comments on the post. You can choose authors and guest authors to subscribe to comments on their posts automatically.
Moderating comments is easy with simple email commands like approve, spam, or trash. The most notable feature of Replyable is that it recognizes the quality of comments and sends the best comments to users who have subscribed.
Comment content is gauged by length, relevance, reading level, and sentiment. It can add integrations such as social commenting. Replyable does not offer many features in its free version. It only allows basic customizations. However, you have the option to upgrade to their premium SaaS service.
10. Simple Comment Editing
As evident by its name, Simple Comment Editing Plugin enables ‘simple comment editing.’ It allows users to edit and delete their comments for up to five minutes after posting. You just need to install the plugin. It just works.
It includes basic HTML markup that is easily stylable to fit your theme. So, no styling is necessary. You can achieve advanced customization using filters. It’s a simple yet effective WordPress Comment Plugin.
We hope that the presentation on 10 Best WordPress Comment Plugins proves highly useful to you. An effective commenting system is necessary if you want to increase your user engagement.
These Comment Plugins for WordPress give you the opportunity for having an easy and effective commenting system on your blog or website. If you liked the post, do share it with your friends and colleagues. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
I’ve always been a CommentLuv user, but reading this post makes me want to try them all! Thanks for sharing this.